Academy Partner Summit 2014

academy partner summit

Si terrà a Barcellona il 22 e 23 ottobre 2014 l’Academy Partner Summit 2014, riservato ad ASC / ITC Academy di tutto il mondo.

Durante l’evento sara presentata la roadmap di aggiornamenti didattici dei curricula Netacad, condivise le buone pratiche all’interno della comunità, nonché condivisi trend e progetti per il prossimo futuro del Networking Academy.

Dettaglio dell’agenda delle due giornate

Day 1

  • How do we prepare the future architects of the IoE
  • Barcelona: Making the most of Internet of Everything
  • Smart Grid Curriculum
  • Technical Update
  • How do you lead in the Cisco Networking Academy today?
  • Experimenting and innovating with IoE
  • ASC /ITC Best Practive Share
  • Education initiatives in Europe – Panelists session
  • Partner Recognition Program & Awards 2014

Day 2

  • Break out session 1: PT Game Workshop
  • Break out session 2: Recruitment/What role do you play in helping your students get a job
  • Break out session 3: Modeling the Network
  • Break out session 4: What´s your role with self-enrolled content
  • Break out session 5: Hacking Smart Sally
  • Break out session 6: Maximizing  the differences in the Partner model

L’evento è riservato ad Academy Support Center ed Instructor Training Center.

